Please email or call the studio to make sure there is availability for the time slot you desire. 


  • You may can­cel or change your book­ing at any­time up to 48 hours before it is scheduled.

  • Can­cel­la­tions or changes within 24 hours to 48 hours are sub­ject to a 50% can­cel­la­tion fee.

  • Can­cel­la­tions, missed appointments or changes within 24 hours of the sched­uled booking are sub­ject to a 100% cancellation fee. 

  • My Lady On Fire is not responsible for absence due to personal injury, traffic or other personal reasons, WITH THE EXCEPTION OF A SNOW EMERGENCY.


By using the facility, you agree to all the terms and conditions stated below:

  • Please respect the use of all equipment.

  • Please keep the facility as clean and neat as possible.

  • Please do not move items without permission and if so put items back where you found them and in the same condition (cables, stands, etc).

  • 15 minutes to set up/break down as to not delay the next client.

  • Upon arrival a credit card(s)/personal I.D. is required, once the facility has been checked out and all items have been returned; the form of identification shall be returned.

  • Clients can be denied services for any reason at the discretion of management.

  • Kitchen use is with permission only.

  • If something should break, please tell us the moment it happens so we may know what is broken from normal use and repair/replace as such. If gear is damaged as a result of negligence charges will be assessed.

  • Guests are allowed at the bands discretion but may be asked to leave the rehearsal space due to occupancy allowance.

  • Smoking in Designated areas only.  No Drugs


My Lady On Fire shall not be responsible for loss or damage to customer's business or property or for injury or death to persons; and customer shall indemnify My Lady On Fire and hold it harmless for claims for any foregoing, including associated legal fees and expenses.


Customer shall not make any alterations, additions, modifications, or improvements to the equipment and shall use it only for the purpose and in the manner for which it was intended by the manufacturer. Customer may not permit the equipment to be used by another party or at a different location without the express written consent of My Lady On Fire.


  • Customer is responsible for damage to equipment due to abuse, misuse, or negligence.

  • Customer agrees to pay the charges to repair equipment and incurred shipping charges.

  • Equipment shall be returned to My Lady On Fire in good condition and repair, wear from reasonable and proper use excepted.

  • Upon return, customer is responsible for loss or damage to equipment from theft, mysterious disappearance, fire or any other cause.

  • In accepting liablity for the safe keeping of all rented equipment, Customer agress to pay My Lady On Fire the replacement cost (as determined by manufacturer's current list price) of any such equipment which Customer is for any reason unable to return to My Lady On Fire at the end of the rental period.

Please allow your­self enough time to set up and break­down your own gear with­out infring­ing on the next group’s time slot. If a piece of equip­ment breaks or you need tech­ni­cal assis­tance, please ask. PLEASE DO NOT UNPLUG, PLUG, MOVE OR REMOVE EQUIPMENT IN THE STUDIOS. IF YOU NEED TO MAKE A CHANGE TO THE ROOM SET-UP, PLEASE ASK US-WE ARE HAPPY TO HELP.  IF YOU DO ELECT TO CHANGE OR MOVE ANY OF THE EQUIPMENT IN THE ROOM ON YOUR OWN, YOU WILL BE HELD RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY DAMAGE, AND YOU AUTHORIZE US TO CHARGE THE CREDIT CARD ON FILE FOR ANY DAMAGES. WE ALSO RESERVE THE RIGHT TO CHARGE A ROOM RESETTING FEE OF $100 PER HOUR IF YOU MAKE UNAUTHORIZED CHANGES TO THE EQUIPMENT AND SET-UP IN THE STUDIO. If you break some­thing, please tell us. We expect that things will break dur­ing nor­mal use and we will replace or repair any of our gear that is not func­tion­ing at no charge to you, How­ever, we will hold you respon­si­ble for gear that is dam­aged as a result of obvi­ous reck­less­ness or neg­li­gence. Charges will be assessed against the credit card we have on file to secure the booking. Play­ers only in the rooms please. A lim­ited num­ber of guests may be admit­ted by request, but at our sole discretion. No food or drinks (except water) is allowed in the stu­dios at any time. You are wel­come to use our lounges and din­ing areas. NO SMOKING PLEASE.  All book­ings must be backed by a valid credit card (Amex, Visa, MC or Dis­cover) which will be main­tained on file for security.  *4% Square processing fee applies to all online payments.